The sport is growing quickly, island-wide, and is now played every day of the week, producing more and more young talents, who are excited about the sport.
The Young Players Promotion (Y.P.P.) have consistently been running weekly tournaments for the last 2 years, on multiple weekdays, at various venues around Kingston and St Catherine. In an effort to help bar owners promote their businesses, as well as to help the growth of the sport, Y.P.P. targeted pool bars that only had one table and coined the term "One-Knock Tourneys." This format was implemented to help with time management as well as create excitement in the sport.
This one-knock tournament format has grown like a wildfire and is currently played Monday through to Friday, and has drawn more than 50 new amateur players into the sport over the last year, meanwhile in St. James at Kendan Pool and Games and in St. Anns at Rexo Plaza a more competitive weekly tournament are been played with a best of 3 format used amongst them.
The PPJA is now rolling out its major project for this year which is dubbed the PPJA Bar League, which will bring all bars and players who are interested and eager to be apart of something great to be apart of it without leaving out any proprietor or player, which will lead up to our Major Championships in Mobay 2020 with over 300k in team prizes.